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I removed the Yahoo groups thing on the miscellaneous
page. Yahoo deleted it for some reason. We were growing
little by little. Oh well that's over now. Aug 4th 2004
I added a Link To the Lance Armstrong Foundation on the
home page. Show you Live strong by making a donation now! July 23 2004I added some awesome music to the home page! I also
updated the RCT LINGO PAGE. July 10th 2004. 7 Days of Updates #7-
Corrected some more errors and typos.
7 Days of Updates #6-
Corrected some errors7 Days of Updates #5- The
Amber Alert has been Updated! June 17th, 2004
7 Days of Updates #4- I added
RCT LINGO June 16th, 20047 Days of Updates #3-
I added a new page that replaced the old Photos
page, the URL is the same, but it is now a wallpapers
page. Hopefully I can add at least one wallpaper a month!
June 15th, 20047 Days of
Updates #2- I added Two Walk-troughs in the
RCT1 section. June 14th, 20047 Days of Updates #1-
Inversion Force has been added to the links page at
http://www.freewebs.com/westside7th . As Promised I would give link back to
him. So right here it is! I also decided I won't be doing
any affiliating due to lack of interest, and I want this
site to be a nice little personal web page. June 13th,
2004Sorry for no Update in the Month of May, but
you know how it is with exams and all. I am hoping in the
next couple weeks to have 7 days of Updates. I will have
more on that soon. All I have updated is that I put a
Internet Amber Alert on the home page. June.3.2004I have added a link to the yahoo club I have
made for all Roller Coaster Enthusiast on the
Miscellaneous page.April.18.2004I have made a RCT2 page,
and No Limit's Page. The
RCT2 page isn't done. The
No Limit's page currently has
one coaster.March.28.2004I just added a new coaster up for download it
the RCT1 section.
The coaster is Fruit Farms Cyclone.March.18.2004I have just added a Link to my sscoasters
Park Gforces Worlds of
Adventure in the
Serpent and Rippin Rocket section. March.17.2004I just added a cool count down to win Cedar
Point opens, so hang in there.March.14.2004I have now added a page for Roller Coaster
Tycoon 1. It will have downloads added from time to time
so stay tuned. March.13.2004